History 5, Lesson 20

Please summarize all the inventions you learned this week and how they impacted history.This week in history we learned about some cool stuff like portland cement, Electromagnets, passenger rail, and the match. 

                Joseph Aspdin, was born in England in 1778. He experimented with many cements. He patented his portland cement in 1824. He built a factory to produce it in 1825. Portland cement is the most commonly used in the world. Portland cement has revolutionised the building industry. It has helped build Hoover dam, the CN tower in Canada, and “Christ the redeemer” in Brazil. 

                  Hans Christian Oersted was born in Denmark in 1777. He became a professor in 1806. In one of his lectures he noticed that a compass moved with a light switch. So then he started working with it but he gave up. The first Electromagnet was made in 1824 by William Sturgeon. Electromagnets play an important role but a hidden role. Electromagnets make speakers possible. The electromagnets cause the speaker diaphragm to vibrate.

                   George Stephenson was born in Britain in 1781. He experienced a family tragedy. His daughter died 3 weeks old and soon after his wife, then his father went blyed in a coal mine accident. So he had to return home with his son and he became a steam engine export. Stephenson built the first locomotive in 1814. The first passenger car ran in 1825. Passenger trains brought a new kind of mobility. It helped America overtake Great Britain in the industrial Revolution.   

                      John Walker was born in 1781. He invented the match in 1826 almost by accident. He sold a box of matches for 1 shilling. Matches let you start fires anywhere. They make starting fires easy. John Pusey invented the match book in 1890. Diamond Match company is the biggest match producer in America. It made smoking more popular. They also made building campfires easy.  

                          That is all the cool inventions I learned this week. They were pretty awesome. Could you imagine a world without portland cement, electromagnets, the passenger rail, and matches. Personally my favorite was matches, could you imagine going camping without matches.